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Message par Zénon Dim 7 Nov 2021 - 7:46


Message du maire Alysrose

Welcome to Bristol citizens and visitors!

If you are new in town, take a few moments to read our laws. If you are a new resident of Bristol, do not hesitate to contact your mayor or mentor for any issue that concerns you.

*Currently, we need more WHEAT and CORN fields, so if you are considering growing crops, consider Wheat as we need it for fodder and producing flour for our Bakers.*

Thank you all for your support.

Please visit the town forum by clicking here



These are our life blood for new residents. Please spend some time in a tavern so new players, and old players, can come in and chat.


*Gold Mine*

With the County looking to boost its income, please consider spending some time in the Gold Mine, even if it is just one hour a day, or one day per week, or even several different shifts spread throughout the week.

*Wool Autobuy*

Currently forbidden, please refer to the Town Laws below

1. Donations
2. Town Buy List
3. Forest
4. Iron
5. Tavern
6. Devon Guard
7. Forums
9. Miscellaneous

1. *Donations*

If you are feeling generous, please don't be shy about donating to the town via the interface located in the town hall.

2. *Town Buy List*

Corn at 2.60 or under.
Wood at 3.80 or under
Wheat at 10 pounds

Town Hall will no longer be buying your herbs, either, since we have no use for them and cannot sell them on to the county. Thank you for your understanding.

3. *Forest*

Please visit the forest to cut wood. Bakers, blacksmiths and the county are always looking for wood and the Town Hall can export the wood we gather to other towns that don’t have a forest for their use. The Town Hall will buy any wood you are willing to sell at 3.80 or less. Just put it on reserve for your mayor (currently Silicon_Toad2000) or send me a message that you have wood to sell to the TH on the market.

If you use a town axe, the TH will get one wood from your result (this bushel is not included in the total listed per tree). The Town Hall currently has 6 axes available to use in the Forest so if you don’t see one available, contact your mayor to put more of them out for you, or you can use your own axe if a loaner is not available.

4. *Iron*

There is iron available on the market for residents. If that runs out, please let me know and I'll get some more. If you are visiting Bristol and have need of iron, please contact the mayor before buying what is on the market.

5. *Tavern*

The Town Hall Tavern is currently stocked with basic two and three hunger point meals. We also try to keep around 200 mugs of beer on tap so please do visit the taverns as much as you can.

6. *Devon Guard*
The Devon Guard has a new Commander, Ember. She is working to revitalize the Guard and they are looking for new recruits. Long time Bristol resident Delema has been appointed as Town Commander, so if you have any questions about the Guard, or are interested in joining up, please message him.

Please visit the forums, especially the Devon inn and the Grand Bristol Hall.
They are a great place to role play, as people go there that know how to role play. If you feel your role-playing skills are not as good as others, don't be afraid to ask someone to help you improve! We all start at the beginning, and sometimes we need a little help to get where we are going.

8. ~*~TOWN LAWS~*~

Article 1 - Profiteering

Art. 1.1: Profiteering is the purchase of goods from Bristol's town market at a low price and then replacing them back on to the same market at a higher price within the following week (7 days), or acting to force an unnatural monopoly of one or more staple goods.
Art. 1.2: Any person found to have benefited from profiteering in Bristol may be liable to prosecution.
Art. 1.3: Any person acting on behalf of the lawfully seated County Council or Bristol Town Hall is exempt from the law of profiteering.
Art. 1.4: A person transferring goods to/from a grant may be exempt from the law of profiteering, but proof of this grant working must be provided if requested by the lawful Mayor.
Art. 1.5: Evidence shall be provided in the form of an artist's sketch (screenshot) of the records of transactions.
Art. 1.6: Profiteering is a Light to Moderate crime.

Article 2 - Grant manipulation

Art. 2.1: Any person who intentionally interferes with a grant transaction by purchasing an item from the market during a grant transfer and not returning it when requested; or by placing their own item at the same price as the grant holder, causing them to purchase an item not their own, and refusing to buy it back when requested, may be liable to prosecution.
Art. 2.2: Evidence shall be provided in the form of an artist's sketch (screenshot) of the records of transactions as well as the grant itself.
Art. 2.3: Interfering in a grant transaction is a Light to Moderate crime.

Article 3 - Wool Autobuy

Art. 3.1: Any person selling wool to the Town Hall by using the autobuy facility when there is a notice forbidding it in (IG) Bristol Town Hall Mayor's Message may be liable to prosecution.
Art. 3.2: Evidence shall be provided in the form of an artist's sketch (screenshot) of the Town Hall records of transactions.
Art. 3.3: Using the wool autobuy when forbidden is a Light to Moderate crime.

Article 4 - Tax Fraud

Art. 4.1: Tax fraud is the act of not paying field or workshop taxes in a timely manner.
Art. 4.2: Any person who refuses to pay their taxes by the date shown on the receipt and when requested by the lawfully seated Mayor may be liable to prosecution, unless good reason is provided and accepted by the lawfully seated Mayor. The Mayor should attempt to ascertain the reason for non-payment before prosecuting.
Art. 4.3: Evidence shall be provided in the form of an artist's sketch (screenshot) of the Town Hall records of tax fraud.
Art. 4.4: Tax fraud is a Light to Moderate crime.

Article 5 Shovels and Pickaxe durability Fraud

Art 5.1: The sale of shovels on Bristol's market with a durability of less than 40 is prohibited, subject to the exemptions in Articles 5.4 and 5.5.
Art 5.2 : The sale of pickaxes on Bristol's market with a durability of less than 100 is prohibited, subject to the exemptions in Articles 5.4 and 5.5.
Art 5.3: Evidence of the transaction in which a shovel is sold for a durability of less than 40 and a pickaxe sold with a durability of less than 100 shall be provided in the form of artists rendition (screenshot) or witness testimony.
Art 5.4: Residents who have agreed a private transaction to sell shovels of less than 40 and pickaxes of less than 100 durability shall be exempt from prosecution if they provide evidence of this arrangement to the legitimately seated Mayor.
Art 5.5: In the event of a special occasion where pickaxes and shovels are an item required to make a special or unique item, the prohibition on lower durability items may be relaxed at the discretion of the legitimately seated Mayor and displayed in the (IG) Bristol Town Hall Mayor's Message
Art 5.6: Shovel and pickaxe fraud is a light to moderate crime

Article 6 Trading Fraud

Art 6.1 All non-residents of Bristol must get permission from the mayor before purchasing any item in bulk from the market. Bulk is defined as purchases of more than 10 or half of the available product on the market
Art 6.2 Evidence of prohibited transactions will be made in the form of artist's renditions (screenshots) and/or witness testimony
Art 6.3 Trading Fraud is considered to be a light to moderate crime

9. County is buying all sorts of things to burn for prestige. Contact your mayor for details if you would like to contract with the County for some of your goods and services.

Alys Rose (IG: Alysrose)
Mayor of Bristol

Message du Maire 13080607134664350

Messages : 2394
Date d'inscription : 22/07/2013

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